Data protection

The Data Protection Inspectorate is an institution, which protects, explains and, if necessary, punishes. We can protect you and your privacy when someone has misused your personal data. The Inspectorate explains and advises in using personal data. If necessary, the Inspection also forbids and punishes those who have misused personal data. What is personal data? Personal data is all data which helps to identify you – to understand that it is you that people are dealing with. For example your phone number, the address you live at or even your personal e-mail address. We mainly rely on the personal data protection law when helping you. The personal data protection law is a law that protects personal data of all people and states the punishments for those who have misused your personal data. For example, if someone wants to publish your data, they have to ask your permission first. If you have any questions about using personal data, you are welcome to call us on 627 4144 on every working day from 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-16.00. Also check out the fun internet game „Save Liisa’s ID“ (Päästa Liisa ID)